Sunday, 19 April 2015

Revolution of Nature by Reason


At this writing, every person and place and thing existing are AT POINT 3 SOUTH on The Smat Circle of Order (see figures). The Big Circle completes the Cross (+ The Sign of The Dead, the symbol of completion and termination) at point 6 west, at the point where death begins, because the moving point(the circling degrees) touches the fourth major point of The Circle of Order AT POINT 6 WEST, after beginning AT POINT 3 SOUTH, turning counterclockwise. The Cross [ + ]  is the sign of The Dead, because: it is completed when and where death starts on The Smat Circle of Order, The Big Circle has four major points, and point 6 west is the last, and the last major dot completed (point 6 west -- see figure )on The Circle-Cycle of Smat completes the fourth major point of The Cross and The Circle where death begins. The Cross encompassed by a circle (+) is The Astronomical Symbol of Planet Earth also, as given by the American English Dictionary under the word PLANET, that is to say, in the planet chart under the word PLANET.

     Caucasian Christian Cross (Universal Symbol of the Dead)

The Cross is approximately 18-million years old from the stand point of Universe Science, and it has been used in various forms by all ethnic races (human races) during that time as a symbol of power and authority from THE SPIRIT DEAD. The Spirit Dead (Six-Ether, Five-Ether, Four-Ether, and Three Ether Spirit Beings) help produce THE MENTAL DEAD (people in ignorance about Nature, Its Laws, and True Culture in The Positive), and this lack of Nature Knowledge, which leads to destructive activities by peoples throughout The Universes, eventually threatens the very existence of The Universes themselves. So, when The Universes of Nature and the peoples thereof have been plunged into ignorance darkness and weakness by The Negative Evolutionary Forces and Powers of Nature and the very survival of The Universes, hangs in the balance, if The Universes are not to expire and disintegrate yet at point 3 south, THE INFLUENCE OF NOOPOOH (Nine-Ether Mentality, Nine-Reason) must advent.




Modern Caucasian World


















Nine-Reason Mentality must advent at point 3 south (see figures) and pull The Circle of Order by Power of Nine-Ether Mentality (Sound Right Reason) back upward toward point 6 east and Origination (Originality) and likewise True Life, and this first quarter pull upward is definitely called REVOLUTION, in the annals of Universe Science, because it is THE REVERSE OF EVOLUTION, like the letter R at the beginning of the word. (R)evolution implies. Three-Ether Spirit mentioned before in this blog is Ghost-Spirit, and Ghost-Spirit is THE TERTIARY CREATOR IN NATURE (Creator of World Society as we all know it today, especially The Caucasian Race and its creations) by Power of The Secondary Creator of The Zodiac (The world of Animals), and The Secondary Creator got their power from The Primary Creator. NoopooH, The Original Ethiopian Powers of Nature and Resurrector of The Mental Dead, is The Originary and Primary Creator in Nature and ZoopooH (The Counterworld Ethiopian Forces of Nature and also Evolutionary Processor) is The Evolutionary and Secondary Creator whose creativities begin AT POINT 6 WEST and continue toward POINT 3 SOUTH, counterclockwise, but decreases in creativity as everything moves up the Revolutionary Ladder empowered by NOOPOOH and NOONE.